My name is Eric Navarro and I am the president of Žômiah Cosmetics®. I started working in the industry with a company that did makeovers for people. My job was to source products and tools needed for the makeovers.
Eventually, I came across a manufacturer that had really great products and customers were asking us, “Where can I buy these?” I eventually had the idea to contact the manufacturer and see if I could come up with my own make up line. It was the best decision I ever made.
My inspiration also came from my mother. She always loved stage makeup and makeup in general. Not many people know this, but I named the company after her. Žômiah was a name she used when she was doing professional dancing. I made the decision to start the company about 6 months after her passing. It seemed I woke up one day and it just hit me that I should do this.

I really love what I do now. Although I don’t know everything about how to apply makeup, I have spent countless hours around professional makeup artists and have always listened and appreciated their feedback.
What does your business offer?
My business is an online store and we offer a wide range of cosmetics for sale. Other companies have wide product ranges including skin treatments, but we have decided to focus solely on cosmetics for now. Our company has been in business for almost two years now, and continues to grow at an acceptable rate. We are very proud of this fact and thanks to the high quality of our products, our makeup brand is gaining acceptance worldwide. My vision was to provide a product with very reasonable prices along with the best quality. I want people to know that they don’t have to sacrifice the quality when they buy something for less. It really is an unfortunate misconception that the more expensive something is, the better it should be. This is not necessarily the case, and Žômiah Cosmetics® is a great example.
So far, our philosophy and marketing approach has been successful as we regularly receive positive comments from people around the world.

What are some of the day to day challenges you face?
One of the biggest challenges we face is dealing with prospective buyers from foreign countries. We get a lot of interest from resellers wanting to carry our brand but we have to deal with different country importation rules which can get complicated.
Even though this is the case, we still sell to individuals internationally. Thanks to the magic of the internet we receive orders from all over the world including Asia, Europe, Australia, the United States and Canada.
I have always been an entrepreneur at heart but I had never dealt with the operations side of a business. In the very early stages, I tried to figure out how to keep track of everything that was going on. I started looking for help and I was very fortunate to find inFlow Inventory. It’s been a lifesaver! It makes it easy to see all the results at the end of the year. I am really happy with the software.
What is your advice for small businesses?
I would say that persistence is one of the things that I live by. Don’t let your shortcoming put you down or stop you. With enough persistence, the biggest obstacles will eventually fall and the most ambitious achievements are well within your reach. Persist, and small actions lead to big results. When you truly want it, prove it with persistence and it will be yours.
For more information on Žômiah Cosmetics®, please take a look at their website and be sure to give them a like on facebook.