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Weekly Time Saver: Let inFlow Suggest What You Need to Build

Posted by inFlow InventoryLast Updated April 26th, 2024
— 2 minutes reading

Are you using Work Orders and bill of materials to manufacture items from raw materials (eg. building a bike)?  If you do and you build to order, you may find that it is much easier to create your sales order first, then create your work order from there.

 By right clicking on the item which needs to be build and choosing “create WO” inFlow can create a work order for you straight from the sales order.  That said, if you’re selling many copies of an item during your day what might be even faster is using the suggestions within the work order.

As of version 2.4 you can have inFlow suggest how many units of an item you may need to build based on what items in your inventory are required to complete orders.  To do so, open a new work order and click the triangle to the right of the “add” button on the left hand side of the window.  From the drop down you will want to select “suggest products to add” and the system will supply the items and components needed to assemble the necessary items.

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