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Weekly Time Saver: Reorder From One Vendor

Posted by inFlow InventoryLast Updated April 25th, 2024
— 1 minutes reading

Ever gotten that bi-weekly call from one of your vendors asking if there’s anything you’d like to order and thought, “I wish there was an easy way to see what I need to order from one vendor.”  Well look no further!  With inFlow it’s super easy to get a full list of what you need from one vendor in just a few clicks.

The first step is creating a new purchase order (Main Menu > Purchasing > New Purchase Order) and selecting the vendor you’re looking to order from.  In Advanced mode, clicking the “autofill” button on the order tab will supply you with a full list of items that need re-ordering from this vendor!  Now, not only do you have a full list of items to order, you’re ready to save and send the actual document!

Do you have a time saver you’d like to share?  Send it our way at  If your suggestion is chosen your name and a link to your website will be shared.