Estimate work order quantities ahead of time:

A screenshot of the new "how much can I build?" button in inFlow Cloud

inFlow Cloud for Windows can now show how much of a particular finished product you can build, without creating a work order beforehand. Think of it like a mini work order quote!

Visit our knowledge base for all the details on how to try this out yourself.

General improvements:

  •  You can now import multiple non-default pricing schemes (this pairs nicely with our other feature to export multiple pricing schemes).
  •  We’ve disabled the effects of mouse scrolling on the Company Settings window, which should prevent any accidental changes to Costing method and Home currency.

Stuff we’ve fixed:

  •   Mobile search sometimes wouldn’t show the product you searched for. (But it should now!)
  •   The menu wasn’t showing up on the Stock Adjustment screen if your inFlow account didn’t have access rights for that feature.
  •   Categories weren’t properly saved when you created a new product on mobile.