Updates to inFlow Inventory apps | Page 23
September 17, 2017
General improvements:
inFlow Inventory’s performance was not up to our standards and it was causing some slowdowns for users. We want inFlow to feel like a dependable tool that your business can rely on, so we rewrote the underlying code to speed things up.
September 5, 2017
Issues we’ve fixed:
- We’ve improved the loading screen to let you know if inFlow is loading up or downloading an update
- inFlow now waits a longer period of time for updates to account for slower internet speeds
- Scanning barcodes no longer causes the app to freeze
- We’ve fixed a rare issue where On-Premise backups with custom documents could fail to migrate if the documents had missing images
- If something is wrong with your import file or settings, we’ll tell let you know there is an issue
August 21, 2017
Closing old orders:
Whether it’s the end of your financial year or that you simply prefer to keep the past in the past, our new features to protect historical data should help you out. In previous versions of inFlow Inventory, any team member with the sufficient user rights could reopen orders. This was to help businesses correct mistakes, but we’ve also heard that reopening old orders can be a bad thing.
Our solution to this was to leave all of the default settings the same, but provide you with new options. You can now set inFlow Inventory to automatically close fulfilled orders that are older than X days old, or any orders before a particular date. Closed orders can only be opened by administrators of the inFlow account, so you can still make corrections if you really need to.
For full details on how to handle closed orders, check out our support page!
General improvements:
- You can now choose Contact Name as a column on the Sales Order list
- You can now choose Barcode as a column on the Product list
Issues we’ve fixed:
- Large imports could slow inFlow, so we’ve improved the import logic to make it several times faster