How to set/restrict team member access rights in inFlow
Need to change your team members’ settings for accessing certain data in inFlow? This article has all the steps for setting your team members’ access rights.
Please note this feature is available on select plans or add-ons.
Adjusting team member access
- With an Administrator account, log into inFlow’s Team settings (Main Menu>Options>Team).
- Click the Edit button next to a team member’s name.
- Select the drop-down menu next to each feature to change the access to that feature for that team member.
- Click Save when done.

Do you need to add a team member first? Find out how to do so here.
Access options
There are 3 options for team member access:
- Full Access: This option gives this team member full access to this feature.
- View only: Team members can view this feature, but they can’t edit any information.
- No Access: This feature is not viewable to team members.
Order-related access rights
You might have noticed that for sales and purchase orders, there are more access right options. No access, View only, and Full access work the exact same as they do for other features on this list, but you can also choose:
Mobile picking only: This restriction allows the team member to not access/edit the sales order but to view and pick items on open sales orders. It is only available on the inFlow mobile app, not the Windows and Web.
View and mobile picking only: This option allows the team member to have view-only access to the sales order and to pick items for open sales orders. This restriction allows a team member to view sales orders in the Windows and Web app but can only pick orders from the inFlow mobile app.
Mobile receiving only: This allows the team member access to receive inventory only on open purchase orders without being able to view the purchase orders or the cost directly. This restriction is only available on the inFlow mobile app, not the Windows & Web app.
View and mobile receiving only: This option allows the team members to have view-only access, and they can also receive items for unfulfilled purchase orders. This restriction allows a team member to view purchase orders in the Windows and Web app, but they can only receive orders from the inFlow mobile app.
Team Member Tracking Report
In addition to modifying access rights in inFlow, you can track changes made by all your team members in a report. For more information, see this article.
inFlow Team settings
- Go to Main Menu > Options > Account/Team.
- inFlow redirects to the inFlow settings on your web browser.

Do you need to add a team member first? Find out how to do so here.
Adjusting team member access
- Once the Account page has loaded, scroll down to the Team members section and click the Edit button next to the team member you want to change the access rights for.
- Select the drop-down menu next to each feature to change the access to that feature.
- Click Save when done.

Access options
There are 3 options for team member access:
- Full Access: This option gives this team member full access to this feature.
- View only: Team members can view this feature, but they can’t edit any information.
- No Access: This feature is not viewable to team members.
Order-related access rights
You might have noticed that for sales orders, there are more access right options. No access, View only, and Full access work the exact same as they do for other features on this list, but you can also choose:
View and mobile picking only: This option allows the team member to have view-only access to the sales order, and they’re able to also pick items for open sales orders. This restriction allows a team member to view sales orders in the Windows and Web app, but they can only pick orders from the inFlow mobile app.
Mobile picking only: This restriction allows the team member to not access/edit the sales order but to view and pick items on open sales orders. It is only available on the inFlow mobile app, not the Windows and Web.
View and mobile receiving only: This option allows team members to have view-only access, and they can also receive items for unfulfilled purchase orders. This restriction allows a team member to view purchase orders in the Windows and Web app, but they can only receive orders from the inFlow mobile app.
Mobile receiving only: This allows the team member access to only receive inventory on open purchase orders without being able to view the purchase orders or the cost directly. This restriction is only available on the inFlow mobile app, not the Windows & Web app.
Team Member Tracking Report
In addition to modifying access rights in inFlow, you can track changes made by all your team members in a report. For more information, see this article.
Restrict Access by Location
To enhance inventory management, you can allocate or limit your team members’ access to specific locations. This feature is only available in higher-tiered plans.
Here’s what restricting access by location looks like in action:
Adjusting team member access
- Once the inFlow account settings page has loaded, scroll down to the Team members section.
- Click the Edit button next to the team member you want to change the access rights for.
- Select the arrow underneath the Location access header
- Toggle the check beside each location you would like this team member to have access to.
- Click Save.

How does this affect/restrict team members’ access?
Team members who do not have access to all locations can’t add, edit, remove, or rename locations. Even if these team members have admin rights, without access to all locations this will be unavailable.
Anywhere in inFlow where you would normally select a location (like the sales order list or inside a purchase order, etc.), you will now see “(My Locations)” by default. This means you are currently seeing items for ALL locations that you have access to. If you open this location menu, only locations that you have access to will be shown/selectable.
Exception: Stock transfers on the Windows app allow team members to see all locations, as you should be able to request from / send to locations you may not have access to. However, you will not be able to complete the transfer if you don’t have access to the location it is being sent/received.
It is important to note that team members will not view any record associated with a location that they do not have access to OR if it does not have a location assigned at all.
For example, if I do not have access to the warehouse location, I will not see any sales order marked for the Warehouse or that has no location specified at all. This same principle applies to customers, purchase orders, etc.
What areas of inFlow does this affect?
Restricting access by location will affect anywhere in inFlow that uses a location. The following are examples of some areas you will notice this change:
All documents (purchase orders, sales orders, work orders, count sheets, stock adjustments) with a location field at the order level.
The specific location each product is taken from in the order is seen on the pick / fulfill/restock / put-away tabs and can be found in purchase orders, sales orders, and work orders.
When viewing a specific product’s details page, only locations with access will show inventory. This also affects the Quantity on Hand displayed here, this means that different team members could see different Quantity on Hand for the same item if they have access to different locations.
When setting up/editing reorder settings for each product, only locations with access will be shown.
Also, the Movement History and Order History of each product will only show transactions associated with locations you have access to. This means that all values displayed, like Quantity on Hand, Quantity Reserved, Quantity Available, Quantity Picked, and Quantity on Order, will only reflect for locations you have access to.
Each customer’s default location will only show locations you have access to.
All listings that can use a filter by location will, by default, filter to (My locations) and can be modified to show only one specific location you have access to. This can be seen in Purchase Order List, Sales Order List, Work Order List, Count Sheet List, Stock Adjustment List, Stock Transfer List, and Customer List.
The Default Location in your Personal Settings can only be set to a location you have access to.
All report filters will now show (My locations) by default when a location filter is applied to the report.
I don’t have access to all locations
If you do not have access to all locations, some areas of inFlow will be completely inaccessible, and you will receive an error message when trying to access them. This includes:
- The dashboard
- Historical Inventory Summary Report
- Team Member Tracking Report
- Product Cost Report
- Estimated Inventory Duration Report
Additionally, you will not be able to access or view any orders that either have no location assigned to them (the location field is blank) or are assigned a location you do not have access to. This would be most noticeable in Purchase Orders, Sales Orders, and Work Orders.
I’m seeing a different number/quantity than my team member
Areas where data is totaled across all locations will only show totals from your allowed locations. This means each team member may see different numbers depending on which locations they have access to.
This means team members may see different numbers/quantities in things like the Current Stock screen, a product’s inventory level in the Product Details page, and reports that give values to do with quantities, for example, the Inventory Summary report.
I can’t find an order/customer
Team members will only see orders and customers from locations they have access to. Any Sales Order or Purchase Order that does not have a location assigned to it will not be visible to team members without access to all locations.
Customers without a default location will still be visible to team members without access to all locations. However, you cannot apply for a batch payment or view the payment history of customers without a default location that you have access to.
I am unable to make a batch payment or see my customer payment history
If you do not have access to view all locations and your customer’s default location is empty, the option to create batch payments will be hidden.
Additionally, if you do not have access to all locations and your customer does not have a default location set, the Payment History tab will be hidden.
If they do have a default location set and you do not have access to all locations, you will be able to view the payment information but not the details of the orders themselves.
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